My friends always do a year-end Top Ten list that is circulated via e-mail touting each person's favorite albums of the past year. This used to be pretty simple. 10 albums - done. Not so anymore. I think it started last year, a couple EPs slipped in... oh and someone had some honorable mentions... oh yeah and then there was the "I didn't like the record, but I listened to the song more than anything else all year."
And then came this year... there was a Top 50 list (I confess I didn't even listen to 20 albums this year), a Top 10 Honorable Mentions list (which the author quickly confessed to being nothing more than a Top 20 list when coupled with his Top 10) and then various categories based on different qualifiers (albums I should give another listen; albums that grew on me BUT still didn't make my top 10; albums that were released in '07, but I did not hear a note until 2008 i swear; the best songs from albums that should have been cut down to ep's... well you get the point.)
I'm not sure where I'm going with this post other than to say it has been an amazing year in some respects. In other respects it's been really difficult. The point is that looking back over the past year I realized that music played a nice role as the soundtrack in the background. In fact it wasn't until I tried to build my own list that those melodic memories begin to fill my head, which in the end is the whole point of the reflection that occurs in the first week of winter and the last week of the calendar year.
So, without further delay and pondering... The Official Some Music I Listened To This Past Year That I Really Appreciate.
Thao - We Brave Bee Stings And All
Santogold - Santogold
Mason Jennings - In The Ever
Kings of Leon - Only By The Night
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
Conor Oberst - Conor Oberst
Amadou & Mariam - Welcome To Mali
Jon Foreman - Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer
Sigur Ros - Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust
Paper Route - All We Are All Forgotten
Majestico - Boundary Conditions
M83 - Saturdays = Youth
The Helio Sequence - Keep Your Eyes Ahead
14 years ago