30 days in another's shoes Tuesday, April 15, 2008

...could just change the world. Well, maybe that's asking a little too much, but I'll promise it will change your life. 

From KK's Lifestream
Originally posted in True Films

The star of the hit documentary Supersize Me took his winning format of Total Immersion For 30 Days and applied it, with the help of other willing subjects, to a number of other alien worlds. For 30 days your host in each episode of this reality series will live within agreed constraints in order to shift their -- and your -- point of view. Ideally the show throws a person into the lives of those they despise. Take a southern Christian and make him live in a Muslim home and community. Take an anti-immigration bully and have him live with illegal immigrants. Make an abortion rights activist work at a pregnancy crises center. Or an atheist live with Pentecostals. A guy who lost his job to outsourcing in India, goes to India to reclaim his job there. Have middle class professionals try to pay rent and doctor bills on minimum wage. Or an innocent live in jail, with solitary confinement. A lot can happen in 30 days, distilled into an intense 60 minutes. Yes, it's a gimmicky formula, but it really works. You'll learn a whole lot.

-- KK 




a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
b: one in which confidence is placed

For all my life my trust has been placed in different people or things. As a child trust was mostly placed in my parents - that they would provide for me, always love me and guide me in the right direction. As I grew up I began more increasingly trusting myself for most things. My character, my ability, my strength, my truth - I placed confidence in my own strength.

Now if someone were to ever ask me if I had trust in God, I didn't have to think twice - of course I did. But did I? Sure I trusted that God would provide for me and take care of me, but did I live like that was true.


A little over a year ago I had lunch with a close friend and over a couple of gyros he asked me a pointed question. Who do you see as the provider for your family? You or God? I was immediately saddened, because I knew the answer deep in my heart was, me. I saw myself as the provider for my family.

It's all up to me. I am the king of my tiny kingdom. If I fall it all comes crumbling down. Thanks to that conversation I spent the next several months trying my best to stop paying lip service to my trust in God and to start placing my trust in Him. It has not always been easy. Everything in my body screams to grab control of the day-to-day, everything except the only good that is in me, and thanks to His grace and mercy I am able to daily place my trust in His character, ability, strength and truth.

I would invite you to look back at your own story and see where He has written himself into the plot and begin to let go and trust in his goodness.