14 things I was doing while not blogging this week Saturday, August 16, 2008

So it appears that I took a week long vacation from blogging. I'm not sure how that happened. In honor of my return I offer you "7 things I was doing" and "7 things I thought were interesting." Drum roll please!

Things I was doing:
no. 7:. watched more Olympics than I had planned on watching (thanks Meg)
no. 6:. worked (seriously)
no. 5:. watched Heather Headley perform - twice
no. 4:. tried (unsuccessfully) to get snot out of Memphis' nose with one of those blue bulb things
no. 3:. realized how hard it would be to be a single parent (Meg's on a mini-beach vacation)
no. 2:. found a whole new level of respect for single parents (Meg's mini-beach vacation is feeling less "mini" by the minute
no. 1:. held Memphis really tight and tried to kiss his big fat cheeks right off his face

Things I thought were interesting:
no. 7:. this video would be awesome if only John McCain was a weekly football game and not a candidate for President of the United States
no. 6:. wondering why after anxiously awaiting the release of Conor Oberst's first solo record I still haven't purchased it? anyone heard it? thoughts?
no. 5:. wondering what took me so long to buy the Bon Iver album For Emma, Forever Ago
no. 4:. just realized that the beginning of the college football season is only 14 days away - time to dust off those message board logins and passwords
no. 3:. watched an incredible display of olympic greatness
no. 2:. not sure I like the idea of a "faith debate/forum" but will be watching tonight on CNN [editor's note: this is also airing on FOXNews, who is calling it the "Saddleback Showdown" -- tacky!]
no. 1:. and my favorites headline of the year so far: 'Cinderella, others arrested in Disneyland labor protest'