top 5 potential nicknames now that favre is a jet Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is the singular of J!-E!-T!-S! really jet? Broadway Joe was a classic in more ways than one, but Broadway Brett just doesn't have the same ring to it. I've come up with a few monikers based on NYC landmarks that could come in handy for the Big Apple media - hey, what about "Big Apple Brett"?

1. Rockefeller Favre (doesn't really convey the blue collar vibe he puts out)
2. Madison Square Favre (geographically doesn't make sense, but has a nice ring.)
3. Bushwick Brett (rap and hip-hop anyone?)
4. Flatiron Favre (the building not the essential emo/scene kid hairstyling tool)
5. East Ruthe-Favre, NJ (let's just give up on a nickname and rename the home of Jets.)

I'd love to hear your suggestions.


Asher said...

favre. i can't look at him without thinking about "something about mary."

so.... possible nicknames...

- F train.
- F street.
- BFF.

Shawn Blackney said...

F train is good... as in "The Jets rode the F train all the way to the playoffs." someone else came up with the New York Bretts... i thought that was pretty good.